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Emo Fire & Emergency Service

Emo Fire Department

The Emo Fire Department currently has three fire apparatus to service the municipality. With their enclosed top mount pumper truck “7-1”, they can comfortably assist in any weather situation. It is equipped with MSA G1 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA’s), a portable pump, fans, and other miscellaneous equipment.

“7-2” is a 1000 gallon tanker truck which can quickly shuttle water to locations where there are no hydrants or water access. After unfolding a large pool, this truck can do a quick release water dump and take off again for more water, utilizing the portable pump that it carries below.  

Also servicing the municipality is “7-4” which consists of a heavy duty 4 door truck, nicknamed “The Rescue.” It is always ready to leave with an enclosed trailer in tow which holds extra air bottles, rehab supplies and can be used as a “Command Station.” The truck is also equipped with medical response equipment, including an AED, to assist Paramedics, whether for a large scale situation or if they are unable to attend in a timely manner. 

These 3 units, along with dedicated volunteer firefighters, are also under a larger “CEL” umbrella. The municipalities of Chapple, Emo & LaVallee all have an automatic aid agreement, which means that if one needs more help, whether equipment or manpower, they can call on each other to assist. On large scale situations, you will often find trucks and firefighters from any of these municipalities on scene. Because there is always a chance that there could be a second call during these times, certain apparatuses may be on scene, but equipment may not be pulled from it to ensure that unit is ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Other apparatuses may still be left in other neighbouring halls too in case of these times.

Also in the Emo Fire Hall is the local decontamination system & the SCBA Air Bottle Fill Station. Neighbouring communities rely on these pay-per-use services to safely and efficiently clean their Bunker Gear & other PPE, as well as filling up their compressed air bottles to return to service.

If it wasn’t for the many men and women that respond to “Fire Calls” & Training Sessions, none of this equipment would be of any use. So we would like to thank them! They see the need, and are willing to come out and help their neighbours, even those they don’t even know, day or night, rain, snow or shine.

If you would like to learn more about us, the team, the equipment, or see what becoming a volunteer firefighter is all about, please reach out! You don’t need to be a qualified firefighter, have your DZ license, or know much about fires, but you do need to be willing to learn! We’ll take care of the rest!

Information on obtaining Burn Permits can be found below. 

Scott Grant, Fire Chief 

Open Air Burn Permits


Key Features:
– Ability to register and pay online at your convenience (System is active 24/7/365)
– Quick access to current risk level
– Instant notification of a fire ban
– Printable PDF permits
– All Permits are valid for the entire calendar year with the exception of Agricultural Burn Plan permits which are valid for three years from the start of the applicable calendar year!
– Only thing ongoing for the resident to do is to call in to the automated number to notify of an active burn! This allows our volunteer firefighters to quickly assess location, respond appropriately and cancel on false alarms as applicable, keeping our equipment in service for true emergencies.
– Pay by credit card, visa debit, or paypal.
– Simple renewal process on your account if nothing has changed for the following year.

Note: You can still register and/or pay at the municipal office in cash.

By-law No. 2019-13 – Open Air Burning 

Emergency Preparedness Links: 

Government of Canada: Get Prepared: Home 

Government of Ontario: Emergency preparedness | ontario.ca  

Emergency Kits: Emergency Kits (getprepared.gc.ca) 

Emergency Car Kits: Emergency Car Kit (getprepared.gc.ca) 



View/Pay eBills

Upcoming Meetings



8:00 am – 4:00 pm

8:00 am – 4:00 pm

closed to the public

closed to the public

8:00 am – 3:30 pm
(Closed 12:00 – 1:00 pm)


Winter Hours Effective September 1 – May 31:

Tuesdays 10:00am – 3:00pm

Thursdays 10:00am – 3:00pm

Saturdays 10:00am – 5:00pm

Summer Hours Effective June 1 to August 31:

Tuesdays 10:00am – 7:00pm

Thursdays 10:00am – 3:00pm

Saturdays 10:00am – 5:00pm


Battery Recycling

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